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Minutes 11-12-13
Holland Conservation Commission
~27 Sturbridge Rd, Holland, MA 01521
Minutes of Commission meeting held on November 12th, 2013
Present Members: Chairperson, James Wettlaufer; Neal Byrne; Marcia Beal; Patricia Caron; Fran Gallo
Others: Brian Boire, Andy Cormier, Ray Gorman, Joanne Higgins, Brian Johnson (Holland Highway Department), Audrey Leighton, Ron Leighton, Marc Stinson (Massachusetts DEP).
7:10 pm. James Wettlaufer, called meeting to order.
Motion by JW to waived reading and accept amended minutes from October 22th; MB (2nd).
Old Business
·~~~~~~~~ Discussed 90 Maybrook Road – NB has been to site - no further action required at this time.
·~~~~~~~~ Discussed 25 Sandy Beach Road – Building Inspector has not been to site to see if retaining wall conforms to zoning regulations.
Walk ins:
·~~~~~~~~ Ray Gorman, contractor; Representing Thomas and Clarissa Allanach, 13 Shore Drive – R01/A/2 –
o~~ Would like to replace timber retaining walls & steps with natural stone walls & steps
o~~ RG drew members attention to proposed plan to put a drainage system behind the wall and then rebuild up the slope
o~~ Start approximately 26 ft. beyond water’s edge and a replace 10 ft. long wall with a 20-24in high wall all the way across property, this will include 5’/6’ slate steps incorporated into the wall that will “twist and meander” up the hill.
o~~ Will use permeable service rock, 12 to 14 inches down crushed pulverized pea stone, 8” pebbles between stone.~
o~~ After retaining walls are in place would like to conclude projects in several phases, 2nd phase would be to modify the slope and plant appropriate plant materials (rhododendrons, junipers, roses, etc.)
o~~ Per JW, applicant will need to fill out an RDA, which can be obtained at the web address (1 copy to DEP, 2 copies to Holland-).
o~~ RG would like to start ASAP.
o~~ MB will place ad on the 18th of November. ~Per JW ad should read, “Applicant is applying for an RDA under wetland protection act for replacement of retaining walls in the buffer zone.”~
Public hearing scheduled for November 26th, 2013 7:30
·~~~~~~~~ Ricky B. and Valerie K. Lundin of 21 Shore Drive – Procedure Sheet # 1553.~ R02/A/29.~ Enclose existing carport to expand bedroom and build peak roof over existing flat roof of carport. No RDA needed. ~
·~~~~~~~~ Brian Boire of Enterprise Renovations, 156 New Road. Tolland, Ct 06084 - representing Uldis and Sally Jekabson of 18 Brendan Street – Procedure Sheet #1546. R01/C/8. 11’by 16’ addition off of existing home for an Office/Den.
o~~ MS advised an RDA was needed to complete work in buffer zone.
o~~ JW advised abutters do not need to be notified.
Public hearing November scheduled for 26th, 2013 8:30
7:30 - Brian Johnson – Holland Highway Department~(Accompanied by Joanne Higgins, Highway Department Clerk). Presented bundled NOI for townwide maintenance of all road maintained by Holland, Ma. NOI noted general project description as:
“Maintenance of all town roads: A. Cutting of vegetation alone the roadway right of way that have historically been cut, B. Grading of gravel roads, C. Cleaning of drainage ditches, D. Replacement of Culverts, E. Paving.”
1.~~~~ Joanne H. stated that their goal is to make the narrative read in a way that is most efficient and effective.
2.~~~~ Mark S. advised it will not include culverts placements – each has to be done on an individual basis – This does not include culvert maintenance.
3.~~~~ MS noted that culvert and jurisdictional streams have state and federal rules and should each be a separate filing.~ Does not include catch basins.
4.~~~~ MS states OOC will be valid for 3 /4 years, depending on when filed, then it can be extended after every 3/4 years period.
5.~~~~ MS advised to make sure narrative is straight forward and clear so Brian J.’s successor will have clear instructions.
6.~~~~ Brian J. and Joanne H. went over narrative with MS and HCC.~ Several changes were suggested and discussed. ~
o~~~ Brian J. referred to Section B. of narrative (Grading Town Dirt Road), and read from the Sanderfield NOI as an example where all roadwork done was with the conservation board’s oversight.~ Asked if HCC would be doing the same.
o~~~ JW feels the specifics of day to day operation should not be under conservation commission complete oversight but the highway department and its governing authority.~ He added that it is more likely that the highway department will have more expertise than anyone on the conservation commission and better knowledge of the projects being done.~
o~~~ MS advised it is up to the HCC on what they decide to do.~ MS added that he is concerned with intermittent streams, not drainage ditches.~ Added it is sometimes hard to tell a ditch from an intermittent stream. Further advised to remove any sediment, by hand, if it is a jurisdictional stream, making sure the natural bed is not disturbed. If any questions, BJ can consult HCC when needed.~ HCC can consult DEP or DEP website.
o~~~ MS advised HCC consult the website by doing a search under “my community” and looking under “Wetland and Wetland Change Areas (mapped by DEP)”.This will show an aerial view of Holland’s wetlands.
o~~~ MS. further advised the HCC hire a consultant to give individual field training in wetland delineation.~
o~~~ MS not concerned with hay bales unless it directly affects the wetland.
o~~~ MS suggested to add to narrative under Section B (Grading town Dirt Road) - “When the Town of Holland Highway Department is working adjacent to a resource area it will take extra steps to insure the resource area is protected.”~ JW suggested hay bales/silt fences “as needed”.~
o~~~ MS advised all of section D, “Replacement of culverts and intermittent streams only”, must be removed in full.
o~~~ JW suggested that section D could just be rewritten.~~ Omit “intermittent streams” and put in replacement of cross culverts
o~~~ MS advised dam maintenance can be put into bundled NOI.~
o~~~ BJ will add maintenance of guardrails to NOI. ~
o~~~ BJ will add removing debris by dam to NOI.
o~~~ JW and MS advise that the rest of NOI seems fine.~ MS advised to email final copy to him for filing purposes. ~
7.~~~~ RDA will be needed this year for removal of debris by dam in the vicinity of Candlewood and Mashapaug (1 copy DEP – 2 copies DEP).~
Public hearing for RDA and revised narrative bundled NOI scheduled for November 26th, 2013 8PM.
8:30 PM Charlene Henchey – 30 Stony Hill Road.~Represented by Andy Cormier, builder. Lot R10/A/12. Proposal to raise and rebuild cottage and install a new septic system.
Present: Andy Cormier, Builder; Abutters; Audrey Leighton, Ronald Leighton, 32 Stony Hill Road.
·~~~~~~~~ AC will place a double row of hay bales as requested by HCC.
·~~~~~~~~ AC noted building perimeter will be stay the same and will no longer includes a small octagon alcove added to the home.~ Denied by ZBA. .~
·~~~~~~~~ AC will make access road down center of property to bring up debris.
·~~~~~~~~ Basement area will be living space – Above living space, where the existing cottage is located, will now be bedrooms. MF Dimensions 28' by 30' main house with an 8ft deck - 68 steps. Would like to start right away, otherwise, may have to wait until spring if snows.
·~~~~~~~~ JW stated that the only issue for conservation is the steepness of the lots, and if when clearing the lot – will the hay bales and stilt fences be enough to protect the wetland by runoff. AC replied they will do several tiers of hay bales and silt fences. May use rip rap, stone.
·~~~~~~~~ JW advised additional control is needed because of the steepness of the land, JW advised daily berms be used when working to keep velocity of water down.~ Also, after each phase of construction, the hay bales and silt fence will be moved - progressing away from the lake.~ Both will be reflected in OOC.
·~~~~~~~~ AC stated that work done on the wall by the water’s edge will be addressed at another date.~ Another NOI will then be submitted.
9:05 pm. NB made a motion to adjourn, seconded by FG. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Frances Gallo
CC Select Board, Town Clerk, Board of Health, Planning Board, Building Inspector, Highway Surveyor, ZBA, File and HCC Chairperson